Meeting Minutes
Planning Board
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Newbury Town Hall
Members Present: Kathleen Pearson, Chair; John O’Connell; David Powell; John Weis
Members Absent: Linda McCamic; Arthur Costonis (Associate Member)
Staff Present: Martha Taylor, Town Planner
Chairman Pearson called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.
A. ANR – 53 High Road/1 Little’s Lane – Proposed Lot Line Change:
Matt Steinel of Millennium Engineering appeared before the Board on behalf of Tara and Brian Patrican to submit an ANR plan for a lot line change between 53 High Road and 1 Little’s Lane. The purpose of the change is to create a buffer between the existing house at 53 High Road and the adjacent lot. Prior to the meeting, the Board received a letter from the attorney for Historic New England, which is a party to a Declaration of Restrictions on the 1 Little’s Lane property, stating that, if approved, the lot line change will invalidate the Declaration and 1 Little’s Lane will have no frontage.
Because of the questions that were raised about the potential impact of the lot line change on the right of 1 Little’s Lane to continue to use Little’s Lane as frontage, it was suggested that the Board not accept the application at this meeting, to allow the two parties an opportunity to reach an agreement prior to submission of the plan.
Motion: A motion was made by J. O’Connell and seconded by J. Weis not to accept the ANR application for the lot line change between 53 High Road and 1 Little’s Lane, pending resolution by the two parties of issues regarding the Declaration of Restrictions and right to access. The motion passed unanimously.
The applicant was asked to come before the Board again on June 6, 2012.
B. Proposed Zoning Amendments for the Annual Town Meeting:
The Board did a final review of the proposed zoning amendments, revised some incorrect references, and corrected some discrepancies in the new definitions for certain uses.
M. Taylor noted that in addition to the corrections to the Use Table discussed at the last meeting, J. Weis had pointed out at the first session of the public hearing that “Water transport of goods and people” was supposed to have been changed from P to NP in the Business & Light Industrial District, since no water traffic is possible in that area. The Board concurred that this should have been changed.
D. Powell recommended that the Board look at reorganizing the Table in future versions.
C. Yellow School:
M. Taylor presented a draft plan for a lot line change between the Yellow School and the Byfield Town Hall which is being done in preparation for the sale of the Yellow School. The Board felt it would be important to confirm that any septic system upgrade needed for the Byfield Town Hall in the future will fit in the area being transferred to that property. They also wanted more information regarding the existing drainage system shown on the plan.
D. Subdivision Rules and Regulations Update:
The Board discussed the update to the Subdivision Rules and Regulations in broad terms to determine what sections need major revisions and what new things should be incorporated. Items discussed included “Complete Streets” concepts for roadway design, stormwater management/low impact development, minor subdivisions, regulations that encourage OSRD-type development, and new requirements for digital files.
E. Flood Hazard Information:
M. Taylor noted that a layer showing the extent of the new FEMA flood zones has been added to MIMAP.
On a motion made by J. Weis and seconded by J. O’Connell, the meeting was adjourned at 10:15 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Martha Taylor
Town Planner